Noise & Vibration Control Consultants

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Noise Risk Assessments

Is your noise risk assessment up to scratch? It's probably fair to say that noise risks are not well understood by many industries and most lack the in-house expertise to carry out a good risk assessment without the aid of outside help, but how do you know that you're getting good value?

High noise exposure will eventually cause deafness, tinnitus and possibly other types of damage. Your basic duty as an employer under the Control of Noise at Work Regulations 2005 is to prevent or reduce risks to health and safety from exposure to noise at work. To do this you need to know who is at risk, and what the level of that risk is. In order to make a plan to tackle noise problems, you must know what is causing the risk (what processes, machines, etc) and the priorities for action. The key to obtaining this information is the Noise Risk Assessment, and if you are unable to carry this out in house we can provide a well structured assessment that will ensure you can meet your obligations to your employees.

What we provide

In brief, our noise assessment will provide you with the information you require to ensure you can manage the noise risks in your workplace. Every assessment will contain the following;